Her Lao
2015-01-13 02:19:24 UTC
You (the Congress, with men and women who work FOR the powerful people in their states... powerful people who register their headquarters in Ireland, Switzerland, the Bahamas, etc., to avoid TAXES they generate from the American consumers and workers)... you, the Congress, give MORE MONEY to the Pentagon and those the Pentagon contracts to do work than what the Pentagon & those contractors ask for!
Usually almost always in the name of "national security interest" needs, of course. No sane person would challenge such an idiotic phrase, if they want to work with powerful people in state and federal levels, both in public and in private...
Because it is good investment: --- when you are through with Congress, or when you get kicked out, or when you "retire," you go straight to work for those companies for whom you've working diligently while still in Congress.
And the SALARIES you get from working "in the private sector" (back to DC to lobby, 99.9% of the time, since you don't really know any thing technical, except the men and women in Congress you've worked with) is MANY TIMES what you get paid as a "public servant."
Anyway, we know in societies run by GOOD & INCORRUPTIBLE leaders who have and run by CORRECT LEADERSHIP... like Laos, China, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, etc.... WE KNOW THE LEADERS WOULD NEVER, COULD NEVER, corrupt and profit from society and the ordinary people like it is here in the West!
In such societies, THE LEADERS ARE INTRINSICALLY CORRECT & good & incorruptible.... THAT'S why they don't allow any other group or ideas that are different from, or competitive with, theirs...
Why waste time, resources, and energy on different and competing people AND IDEAS, especially stupid ideas, when you already know you already HAVE the best and most correct and smartest leaders and leadership?
You (the Congress, with men and women who work FOR the powerful people in their states... powerful people who register their headquarters in Ireland, Switzerland, the Bahamas, etc., to avoid TAXES they generate from the American consumers and workers)... you, the Congress, give MORE MONEY to the Pentagon and those the Pentagon contracts to do work than what the Pentagon & those contractors ask for!
Usually almost always in the name of "national security interest" needs, of course. No sane person would challenge such an idiotic phrase, if they want to work with powerful people in state and federal levels, both in public and in private...
Because it is good investment: --- when you are through with Congress, or when you get kicked out, or when you "retire," you go straight to work for those companies for whom you've working diligently while still in Congress.
And the SALARIES you get from working "in the private sector" (back to DC to lobby, 99.9% of the time, since you don't really know any thing technical, except the men and women in Congress you've worked with) is MANY TIMES what you get paid as a "public servant."
Anyway, we know in societies run by GOOD & INCORRUPTIBLE leaders who have and run by CORRECT LEADERSHIP... like Laos, China, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, etc.... WE KNOW THE LEADERS WOULD NEVER, COULD NEVER, corrupt and profit from society and the ordinary people like it is here in the West!
In such societies, THE LEADERS ARE INTRINSICALLY CORRECT & good & incorruptible.... THAT'S why they don't allow any other group or ideas that are different from, or competitive with, theirs...
Why waste time, resources, and energy on different and competing people AND IDEAS, especially stupid ideas, when you already know you already HAVE the best and most correct and smartest leaders and leadership?