My Hero the Billionaire Donald Trump Will TRIPLE This US Air Force Power
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Her Lao
2015-08-24 07:12:35 UTC

Whatever you see, on these three charts, of JUST THE US AIR FORCE --- we don't even include the ARMY, NAVY, AND MARINES here --- my hero, the billionaire and soon-to-be-Prezdent of the United States, wants to make very, very sure to those little Chinese and that little Putin guy, we mean business... by INCREASING our US Air Force by another THREE FOLDS....

So, in other words, whatever you see here, under this weakling Hussein Obama guy (an Islamist masquerading as a Jesus loving Christian), my hero the Donald will buy THREE TIMES MORE WEAPONS AND AIR PLANES, to our US Air Force could fight the Chinese, the Persians, the Mexicans, and the Russians SIMULTANEOUSLY and win!

ISIS, obviously, and anyone else with them WILL BE EASILY WIPED OUT from the Middle East within ONE WEEK, after our Great Prezdent Donald Trump takes residency of the White House from the current weakling...

To show these little 7th century, AK-toting ISIS and Al Qaida retards we mean business, our great future Prezdent, once in the White House, will instruct the Pentagon/US Air Force to print out millions and millions of leaflets and will have them drop to cities currently controlled by ISIS and Al Qaida, due to Obama's weakness...

And those leaflets will say:

"Warning. This is you first and last and only warning. You MUST pack up whatever mules, goats, and camels you have and LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. If you don't, we WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DEATH, along with ISIS and AL QAIDA members. Your city has been designated for TOTAL WIPE OUT carpet bombing."

THAT will make these retard ISIS either drop their AK47s and run for their lives or piss in their pants, even if they want to stay and fight, so they could be immediately incinerated by our HIGH YIELD NON-NUKULAR BOMBS...

AND THAT will tell those little Chinese, Russians, Persians, and Mexicans our great, strong, and heroic Prezdent Donald Trump ain't joking, when he said he's make them believe whatever he says he means it!

Oh, if you try to be smart and say, THAT WILL BANKRUPT THE USA!

No, no, no! Our billionaire Prezdent Trump WILL BRING BACK DOZENS OF MILLIONS OF JOBS LOST due to the current weakling President.

Further, our Billionaire Prezdent is REALLY, REALLY RICH! He will use some of his BILLIONS AND BILLIONS to help increasing the PENTAGON's operating budget!
Her Lao
2015-08-26 00:39:33 UTC
'Tis why I love my big billionaire hero, Dondal Trump.

No fancy dinner for Xi, or that little Russian guy, Putin, or that little Mexican guy, Nieto... if they get to come over, all they get would be a double patty cheese burger at McDonald's!

I love my hero! He is SO TOUGH, and nice, and rich and handsome.... with the exquisite hair of an organge Orangutan...

I just love Donald Trump to death!

He WILL SAVE America, the GOP, and the world from wealkings like the Democrats and Socialists as well as the evil Islamists and their terrorists of the world!



Washington (CNN)If Donald Trump is president and the leader of the world's second-largest economy comes to Washington, he can expect little more than a Big Mac from McDonald's -- O.K., make that a double.

Trump vowed Monday not to throw Chinese President Xi Jinping a lavish state dinner as the Chinese leader will enjoy in September when he visits the U.S. for meetings with President Barack Obama, a little over a year after Jinping hosted Obama in China.

"I'd get him a McDonald's hamburger and I'd say we gotta get down to work, because you can't continue to devalue (the Chinese currency)," Trump said Monday night on Fox News. "I would give him a very, yeah, but I would give him a double, probably a double size Big Mac."
Her Lao
2015-08-26 02:41:50 UTC
This Chinese man is a such a LOSER, unlike my hero Donald Trump. Do you know how much this Chinese loser just lost? $13B!

That's a BIG loser; he lost in 2 days more than my Billionaire Hero Donald Trump's entire holding and wealth, including his giant savings accounts in offshore banks somewhere you neither you nor our government could trace!

Such a big loser, this stupid Chinese billionaire is!

My billionaire hero, Donald Trump, who'd serve no more than a double cheese burger to China's Xi Jingping.... he's the winner the world needs!

He'd make America and the whole of hunanity GREAT AGAIN, like we was in the Garden of Eve, when the Dear Lord still lived among us God loving Christians...

Her Lao
2015-09-02 03:06:58 UTC
A beautiful little poem titled "A DISASTER," an allegorical sonnet, by my hero, the Orangutan-haired and handsome billionaire and savior of the American people...THE DONALD...

Her Lao
2015-09-02 03:12:08 UTC

sorry, you have scroll down a niche, and click on the icon/picture that has the DISASTER POLITICS: TRUMP STYLE, in order to enjoy Trumps allegorical sonnet on DISATERs...
Her Lao
2015-09-17 19:27:14 UTC

My real estate billionaire hero, Donald Trump, and surgical doctor Ben Carson PRETEND to be experts in VACCINATION.

We Christian Conservatives... we go by HOLY BOOKS and DIVINE NATURAL LAWS as dictated by the Creator of the Universe, so we don't believe in bullshit passed off as real scientific information or knowledge by ATHEIST socalled scientists and other medical experts.

After all, who'd know more about DRUGS and VACCINATION --- and how they ought to be administered --- than a brain surgeon like Ben Carson and a Real Estate buyer and seller like billionaire Donald Trump?
Her Lao
2015-09-20 04:12:07 UTC

My hero, President-to-Be Donald Trump LOVES MUSLIMS, like he LOVES WOMEN, like he LOVES ASIANS, like he LOVES Hispanics...


Believe me, HE WILL BUILD A HUGE, HUGE, BEAUTIFUL WALL alone the Mexican and American border, to the south of Texas, yeah!

And Mexicans will pay for it and LOVE IT, too, because there will be a HUGE, BEAITIFUL DOOR, which will allow, yearly, THOUSANDS who are good workers to come and work for my hero, President Donald Trump in taking care of his vast laws and estates and huge, HUGE mansions, including his White House!

And then they HAVE TO RETURN TO MEXICO AGAIN, once they finish their jobs. Then, when the fruits and vegetables seasons roll around again, we will open that huge door, for thousands more to come back!

Mexicans, Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Asian Americans, Anchor Babies, Cubans, Women, Blacks, Whites.... it don't matter, WE ALL LOVE DONALD TRUMP and HE LOVES US BACK!

He's gonna give us so much VICTORIES, as president Trump, we'd get tired of them!
Her Lao
2015-09-21 11:27:59 UTC

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump refused to say whether he believes President Obama was born in the U.S. only a day after he defended himself for appearing to allow an audience member at a town hall last week get away with saying the president was born elsewhere and is a Muslim.

"I talk about jobs, I'm talking about the military -- I don't get into it," Trump said on ABC's "This Week" Sunday. "They ask that question and I just want to talk about the things because it's of no longer interest to me. We're beyond that and it's just something I don't talk about."


My hero and multi-billionaire and future Prezdent Donald Trump no longer wants to return to talking about his belief that Mr. Barack HUSSEIN Obama was not an American born citizen, that he was born in Kenya to a Muslim family, thus the name HUSSEIN.... y'know, like Saddam HUSSEIN, King Hussein, etc., all Arabs and Muslims.

What he wants to focus on is to build a HUGE, BEAUTIFUL WALL south of Texas, to stop rapists and criminals coming over to rape and do criminal things in America. Mexico, of course, will have to pay for it via taxes. There will be a nice, beautiful door on HUGE, TALL WALL of course... so that every year seasonal workers could legally come through, to pick out multi-billion dollar fruits and vegetables.... until the season's over... THEN all of them will need to return to Mexico and other Hispanic and Latino countries until the next season, and so on...

My hero Donald Trump LOVES everyone, including those 11-30M illegals, including anchor babies born in America... all of which MUST be deported with their parents back to wherever the parents came from... then, we'd sort out who those anchor babies are good enough to return to America to reclaim their natural birthright citizens, or not, etc.

And everyone loves my hero, Donald Trump: Asians, Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, Whites, Eskimos, Natives Americans... everyone!
2015-09-22 17:39:15 UTC

from the video clip, could this be the sarah palin moment for the donald?

being a birther himself, it was impossible for him to correct that silly questioner right there.

if trump starts to fade then this has to be that moment that starts it all.
Her Lao
2015-09-23 18:55:12 UTC
from the video clip, could this be the sarah palin moment for the donald?
being a birther himself, it was impossible for him to correct that silly questioner right there.
if trump starts to fade then this has to be that moment that starts it all.

Fox's always putting on their shows losers and really dumb people, and they always upset my big and rich billionaire hero, so for the foreseeable future, he won't be appearing in Fox news any more.

And, oh, that right wing talking head ---- purty but dumb woman, what's her name anyway? --- she should take a long vacation and never return. I mean a LONG, LONG, LONG unannounced vacation. She's so dumb, my hero the Donald hates her! My hero hates dumb people and losers, and lately Fox News has nothing but dumb people and losers in their shows...
Her Lao
2015-09-24 19:59:20 UTC

This is the future-White-House my hero --- Donalt Trump, someone you know who is VERY, VERY RICH --- is trying to prevent from happening, alongside with Jesus and his Dad (which is himself in Heaven as known by)'s loyal servant, 6 - 10,000 year-old Earth, Creationist and Brain Surgeon genius Ben Carson...

We know socialists like Hilary, Biden, and Sanders WANT this country to be a Muslim run country dominated by 7TH CENTURY SHARIA LAW....

Muslims, as you know, are one of the other TWO ABRAHAMIC TRIBES, with Jesus REAL ABRAHAMIC TRIBE being Christians... anyway, you know Muslims are gonna use their primitive and violent 7th century SHARIA LAW to govern America...

But us, God loving Christians, the REAL ABRAHAM DESCENDANTS who are Noah and Moses real descendants, who are GOD'S TRUE and FAVORITE TRIBE after his number one tribe, the Jews... you know we are, instead, living our good American lives based on TRUE, 2ND CENTURY CHRISTIAN LAWS, true HOLY AND DIVINE LAWS like the 10 COMMANDMENTS Jesus Dad, God, gave to Moses in Israel!

Which do you prefer to live and die by, truly ancient and GODLY LAWS like those inscribed on STONE TABLETS by God, with Moses holding them atop some shinny mountains... or primitive and violent, MADE-UP 7th century Islamic SHARIA LAW, as they practice in Saudi Arabia, TODAY, where they on a weekly basis CHOP-OFF several prison's heads in public square, a public square that is SOON TO SEE the head of a young man, 17, when he's caught demonstrating against the rulers, soon to be chopped... with his body nailed to wooden cross like what Liberal and Atheist Romans did to God's son, Jesus, at ROME's height, when it controlled the Middle East...???

Do you really prefer that over gentle, educated, tolerant, and compassionate Conservative Christians and God and Moses 10 Commandment Laws as our American laws are currently based?
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