My hero and the next prezdent of the United States on Climate Change...
Donald Trump would be the only national leader in the world to dismiss the science of climate change should he become president, putting him out of step even with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea.
The potential isolation of the US on climate change has been laid bare by a new Sierra Club report which found universal acceptance of climate science among the leaders of the 195 countries recognized by the US state department.
President Trump would be a climate catastrophe
Michael B Gerrard
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Close US allies such as Britain, Israel, Canada and France all have heads of government who have voiced their understanding that the world is warming primarily due to human activities.
Even totalitarian or undemocratic leaders accept mainstream climate science, with Assad calling for nations to “respond more effectively” to the issue and Kim supporting a tree-planting initiative to mitigate greenhouse gases. The Zimbabwean president, Robert Mugabe, has labelled climate change a “major global challenge”.
By contrast, Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has called global warming “bullshit” and a “hoax” that was “created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing noncompetitive”.
Scientists from all of the world's top research universities === places including MIT, Harvard, the University of California, Oxford, Cambridge, Max Planck, Princeton, Stanford, Caltech, etc === are not as smart, or honest, as my hero, the greatest, most educated, most honest, and richest man on earth, Donald J. Trump!
Those people are just fools and losers and loosers! Whereas my hero has a very smart brain and he uses it well. He doesn't need to consult anyone on any thing, since he even knows how to fight wars better than generals!
"I'm gonna bomb the hell out of'em"!