More Libral lies straight from the depth of Hell!
You KNOW Jesus created the world and he, then, created us to enjoy it. The only people who are ruining, if there's any ruining happening at all, are Librals, Communists, Homosexuals, Islamists, and un-American people....
Jesus would NEVER allow the earth to be ruined by pollution, CO2 and Methane and other poisonous gases that the Lord never talks about.... chemicals that don't really exist.
Because if they did exist and are bad, Jesus would have told us about, in HIS HOLY BOOK, King James Bible!
Or HE WOULD HAVE TOLD IT, in the HOLIER QURAN, dictated directly by ALLAH himself (aka Jesus, aka God in English; but Allah is in Arabic, a language that ALLAH HIMSELF, directly, DICTATED the Holier Quran), word for word, IN PERFECTION... to Mohammed, ALLAH'S ONE AND ONLY HOLY PROPHET, sent to be born in Mecca, present day in Saudi Arabic, where the people ARE STILL going down to their knees, 5 times a day, to pray to him, to ask for forgiveness, to ask for holy and moral guidance, on how to do things, including the daily cutting off of evil doers heads!