On the UN: Why the Idea of Having 5 "Permanent" Members Should Be Scratched
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Her Lao
2015-02-25 15:58:27 UTC

I've written previously, here, on why the 5 VETO POWERS of the UN should be scratched:

there are many reasons, but one of the worse is that ANY one of them --- Russia, China, Britain, France, or America... and it is 90% of the time, America, and 99% of the time, the vetoes it casts are for any and all resolutions that it sees as a "negative" or "bad" thing against Israel ---- could sabotage or shelve ANY resolution at the UN to SAY, to simply SAY something; you don't have to "do" any thing.

The power, WHEN IT IS ABSOLUTE AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE UN, corrupts absolutely:

it is used, in other words, as/for "pet project" each of the veto power feels like having, regardless what ALL THE OTHER SECURITY MEMBERS say; or what the GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD, even at 99.5% consensus.

America is not going to lift one finger to say anything about countries that are seen NOT to be a friend of America; and it is the same for China and Russia. And for France and Britain: each of them, again, will only defend its friends.

The only time all of these 5 major powers agree on something --- or at least, when one or two decide to BE QUIET so the other could get something slammed through the UN --- is when they come up with some thing could be worked into a reciprocity:

"I scratch you back, this time, by staying quiet or by abstaining, and the next time, you scratch my back... by staying quiet on some issue I want to raise... each time we promise quietly to stay quiet and not make a scene, because the issue at hand is important to THE OTHER but not to us or our best friends...."

This is the ultimate old boys club, where old men get things done in the back room, filled with cigarette smoke and with very little light...

Of course, THIS CORRUPTION allows idiots from America to say how stupid, useless, and corrupt the UN is.... because "it is not able to do shit for nobody." When, again, how could the UN undertake any action that is really serious, when any and all serious actions undertake through the UN MUST HAVE A MAJORITY OF THE 15 SECURITY COUNCIL MEMBERS and NO ONE MEMBER FROM THE BIG GIVE OBJECTING TO IT?

It is really just a fool's errand that the UN as been asked to do...

The only way to make the UN more workable and working FOR THE MAJORITY of the people of this Earth is to abolished this colonial-mentality structure where ANY ONE OF ONLY 5 COUNTRIES ---- like tiny island nations like Britain that has NO MORE THAN ABOUT 60M people ---- dictating to the UN and, in essence, dictating to all of the people of the world...

What kind of a world, what kind of a "better world," could you have, when 60M Brits or 66M French having MORE SAY at the UN than 1.3 BILLION Indians, 260M Indonesians, 200M Brazilians, 190M Pakistanis, 185M Nigerians, and on and on and on....?

It is a twisted, impossible world.
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-02-26 05:14:49 UTC
Post by Her Lao
there are many reasons, but one of the worse is that ANY one of them --- Russia, China, Britain, France, or America... and it is 90% of the time, America, and 99% of the time, the vetoes it casts are for any and all resolutions that it sees as a "negative" or "bad" thing against Israel ---- could sabotage or shelve ANY resolution at the UN to SAY, to simply SAY something; you don't have to "do" any thing.
it is used, in other words, as/for "pet project" each of the veto power feels like having, regardless what ALL THE OTHER SECURITY MEMBERS say; or what the GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD, even at 99.5% consensus.
America is not going to lift one finger to say anything about countries that are seen NOT to be a friend of America; and it is the same for China and Russia. And for France and Britain: each of them, again, will only defend its friends.
"I scratch you back, this time, by staying quiet or by abstaining, and the next time, you scratch my back... by staying quiet on some issue I want to raise... each time we promise quietly to stay quiet and not make a scene, because the issue at hand is important to THE OTHER but not to us or our best friends...."
This is the ultimate old boys club, where old men get things done in the back room, filled with cigarette smoke and with very little light...
Of course, THIS CORRUPTION allows idiots from America to say how stupid, useless, and corrupt the UN is.... because "it is not able to do shit for nobody." When, again, how could the UN undertake any action that is really serious, when any and all serious actions undertake through the UN MUST HAVE A MAJORITY OF THE 15 SECURITY COUNCIL MEMBERS and NO ONE MEMBER FROM THE BIG GIVE OBJECTING TO IT?
It is really just a fool's errand that the UN as been asked to do...
The only way to make the UN more workable and working FOR THE MAJORITY of the people of this Earth is to abolished this colonial-mentality structure where ANY ONE OF ONLY 5 COUNTRIES ---- like tiny island nations like Britain that has NO MORE THAN ABOUT 60M people ---- dictating to the UN and, in essence, dictating to all of the people of the world...
What kind of a world, what kind of a "better world," could you have, when 60M Brits or 66M French having MORE SAY at the UN than 1.3 BILLION Indians, 260M Indonesians, 200M Brazilians, 190M Pakistanis, 185M Nigerians, and on and on and on....?
It is a twisted, impossible world.
IT'S A UNIQUE thing for SPECIAL POWER in the UN. if we DIG a little into the ENERGY BEHIND UN POWER BOTH in MILITARY & MONEY, THOSE 5 MEMBERS WILL BE the TOP. IF I AM 1 of them I WON'T TRUST other people to VOTE on a UN WAR or action to STOP WAR and after the VOTE they want me to sent in MY TROOPS & MONEYS to backup their VOTES. UN works just like that. after a VOTE OF ACTION. those 5 nation end-up deploying their MILITARIES and WAR MATERIALS.
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-02-26 05:19:18 UTC
Post by little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
Post by Her Lao
there are many reasons, but one of the worse is that ANY one of them --- Russia, China, Britain, France, or America... and it is 90% of the time, America, and 99% of the time, the vetoes it casts are for any and all resolutions that it sees as a "negative" or "bad" thing against Israel ---- could sabotage or shelve ANY resolution at the UN to SAY, to simply SAY something; you don't have to "do" any thing.
it is used, in other words, as/for "pet project" each of the veto power feels like having, regardless what ALL THE OTHER SECURITY MEMBERS say; or what the GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD, even at 99.5% consensus.
America is not going to lift one finger to say anything about countries that are seen NOT to be a friend of America; and it is the same for China and Russia. And for France and Britain: each of them, again, will only defend its friends.
"I scratch you back, this time, by staying quiet or by abstaining, and the next time, you scratch my back... by staying quiet on some issue I want to raise... each time we promise quietly to stay quiet and not make a scene, because the issue at hand is important to THE OTHER but not to us or our best friends...."
This is the ultimate old boys club, where old men get things done in the back room, filled with cigarette smoke and with very little light...
Of course, THIS CORRUPTION allows idiots from America to say how stupid, useless, and corrupt the UN is.... because "it is not able to do shit for nobody." When, again, how could the UN undertake any action that is really serious, when any and all serious actions undertake through the UN MUST HAVE A MAJORITY OF THE 15 SECURITY COUNCIL MEMBERS and NO ONE MEMBER FROM THE BIG GIVE OBJECTING TO IT?
It is really just a fool's errand that the UN as been asked to do...
The only way to make the UN more workable and working FOR THE MAJORITY of the people of this Earth is to abolished this colonial-mentality structure where ANY ONE OF ONLY 5 COUNTRIES ---- like tiny island nations like Britain that has NO MORE THAN ABOUT 60M people ---- dictating to the UN and, in essence, dictating to all of the people of the world...
What kind of a world, what kind of a "better world," could you have, when 60M Brits or 66M French having MORE SAY at the UN than 1.3 BILLION Indians, 260M Indonesians, 200M Brazilians, 190M Pakistanis, 185M Nigerians, and on and on and on....?
It is a twisted, impossible world.
IT'S A UNIQUE thing for SPECIAL POWER in the UN. if we DIG a little into the ENERGY BEHIND UN POWER BOTH in MILITARY & MONEY, THOSE 5 MEMBERS WILL BE the TOP. IF I AM 1 of them I WON'T TRUST other people to VOTE on a UN WAR or action to STOP WAR and after the VOTE they want me to sent in MY TROOPS & MONEYS to backup their VOTES. UN works just like that. after a VOTE OF ACTION. those 5 nation end-up deploying their MILITARIES and WAR MATERIALS.
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-02-26 06:00:48 UTC
Post by Her Lao
there are many reasons, but one of the worse is that ANY one of them --- Russia, China, Britain, France, or America... and it is 90% of the time, America, and 99% of the time, the vetoes it casts are for any and all resolutions that it sees as a "negative" or "bad" thing against Israel ---- could sabotage or shelve ANY resolution at the UN to SAY, to simply SAY something; you don't have to "do" any thing.
it is used, in other words, as/for "pet project" each of the veto power feels like having, regardless what ALL THE OTHER SECURITY MEMBERS say; or what the GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD, even at 99.5% consensus.
America is not going to lift one finger to say anything about countries that are seen NOT to be a friend of America; and it is the same for China and Russia. And for France and Britain: each of them, again, will only defend its friends.
"I scratch you back, this time, by staying quiet or by abstaining, and the next time, you scratch my back... by staying quiet on some issue I want to raise... each time we promise quietly to stay quiet and not make a scene, because the issue at hand is important to THE OTHER but not to us or our best friends...."
This is the ultimate old boys club, where old men get things done in the back room, filled with cigarette smoke and with very little light...
Of course, THIS CORRUPTION allows idiots from America to say how stupid, useless, and corrupt the UN is.... because "it is not able to do shit for nobody." When, again, how could the UN undertake any action that is really serious, when any and all serious actions undertake through the UN MUST HAVE A MAJORITY OF THE 15 SECURITY COUNCIL MEMBERS and NO ONE MEMBER FROM THE BIG GIVE OBJECTING TO IT?
It is really just a fool's errand that the UN as been asked to do...
The only way to make the UN more workable and working FOR THE MAJORITY of the people of this Earth is to abolished this colonial-mentality structure where ANY ONE OF ONLY 5 COUNTRIES ---- like tiny island nations like Britain that has NO MORE THAN ABOUT 60M people ---- dictating to the UN and, in essence, dictating to all of the people of the world...
What kind of a world, what kind of a "better world," could you have, when 60M Brits or 66M French having MORE SAY at the UN than 1.3 BILLION Indians, 260M Indonesians, 200M Brazilians, 190M Pakistanis, 185M Nigerians, and on and on and on....?
It is a twisted, impossible world.
UN does NOT get military and MONEY in RATIO to # of population so the 1.4 billion CHINESE can NOT have 1.4 billion VOTES. did CHINA PAY $ and troops for UN in RATIO to it's population? how about 1.3 billion INDIANS? UN does NOT work that way IF anyone does NOT like it go HEAD to CREATE his/her NEW UN that will give CHINA 1.4 billion votes and so INDIA gets 1.3 votes. and us HMONG gets 0 vote. INSTANT EXTINCTION right? LPDR commie absoluteky vote YES on that bill. BUT I'LL not allow such a thing.