Corruption & Greed: Part of Human Nature
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Her Lao
2015-07-31 19:43:58 UTC
The Clintons....


If you thought only Westerners are innately corrupt and greedy, you haven't looked at your own local leaders and rulers carefully.

Perhaps you are not allowed to look at them and their activities closely, close enough to know how they make the millions and billions they have, most of which are stashed away in offshore accounts, ironically, in WESTERN RUN financial institutions.

Look at the tragic cases in the upper most Chinese Community Party rulers: from the generals on up to the highest assistants to FORMER Communist Party President of China itself, from Jiang, to Hu, to Xi and their families and business associates: they live in luxury and they dare to say "It's the Communist way to be rich and be glorious!"

If you think the Clintons and Bushes massive hauls, through speeches (each speech is normally paid $100,000 to as much as $2M!), and I THINK THEY ARE... they are robbing of society in the open in all legalism, you should think about how Mugabe of Zimbwe, Hun Sen in Cambodia, Putin in Russia, Erdogan in Turkey, and all these dozens and dozens of little 2nd and 3rd world dictators from Eastern Europe, to Central Asia, to Africa, and Southeast Asia.... countries with leaders who say they are the only ones smart enough and worthy enough to run their countries... and after them, it should be their sons or very close assistants who are equally gifted and indispensable to the country and the poor, helpless people...

The Obamas, by the way, WILL MAKE SIMILAR money once they leave the White House.

These leaders have absolutely no shame.

They will even tell us they share no secret with the rich people who pay them hundreds of thousands, to millions, per speech... and that those rich people just want to help them out!

But think of PROPORTIONALITY, folks!

America has an economy of close to $20 TRILLION a year, and top Congressional ex politicians and ex presidents only --- yeah, "only" --- make a couple TENS OF MILLIONS ($20M to $200M or so, after they leave office).... yet, very poor countries like Laos, Cambodia, Palestine, Zimbawbe, Kazakhstan, Belarus, North Korea, etc., the rulers, their top generals, and business associates EARN AS MUCH as, and sometimes more than, the corrupt leaders here in the West... and live even MORE LUXURIOUS lifestyles than MOST corrupt Westerner leaders...
Her Lao
2015-08-01 06:43:20 UTC

Luckily, if you vote for my hero, the billionaire who has CREATED MILLIONS OF JOBS --- and tons of wealth --- all over the world, we all, the smart hard working people, that is... we all could become JUST LIKE HIM, Billionaires, leaving those corrupted Clintons in the dust!
Her Lao
2015-08-01 21:30:43 UTC

Simple, basic, fundamental questions, or just thinking:

If in societies that have multiple ruling ideologies and political parties, always competing teeth and claw, to be THE RULING ideology or party --- taking turns doing that over years and decades --- if you find enormous corruption in such societies, where enemies and competitors are ALWAYS in the hunt to tell the public what the OTHER PARTIES and POLITICIANS are doing....

What are the CHANCES of societies which LEGALLY, or otherwise, INSTITUTING that ONE POLITICAL PARTY or ONE IDEOLOGY is the "correct" and there is no oversight, no competition, no alternative ideas or parties allowed.... what are the chances of such totalitarian societies HAVING A LESS CORRUPT GROUP OF POLITICIANS?

Me, I'd be very honest: if I could rule, either by my own self/own rule, or by the rule of ONE IDEOLOGY that makes WHAT I BELIEVE to be the "correct" view, "correct" ideology... I WOULD CORRUPT ABSOLUTELY... since whatever I do, I will say I do it FOR the people, by the people, and with the people... because, after all, I am and the ideology I go by... they are the "correct" way to do things.... so why would I be doing would be considered corrupt or illegal, right?
2015-08-01 13:44:09 UTC
Post by Her Lao
The Clintons....
If you thought only Westerners are innately corrupt and greedy, you haven't looked at your own local leaders and rulers carefully.
Perhaps you are not allowed to look at them and their activities closely, close enough to know how they make the millions and billions they have, most of which are stashed away in offshore accounts, ironically, in WESTERN RUN financial institutions.
Look at the tragic cases in the upper most Chinese Community Party rulers: from the generals on up to the highest assistants to FORMER Communist Party President of China itself, from Jiang, to Hu, to Xi and their families and business associates: they live in luxury and they dare to say "It's the Communist way to be rich and be glorious!"
If you think the Clintons and Bushes massive hauls, through speeches (each speech is normally paid $100,000 to as much as $2M!), and I THINK THEY ARE... they are robbing of society in the open in all legalism, you should think about how Mugabe of Zimbwe, Hun Sen in Cambodia, Putin in Russia, Erdogan in Turkey, and all these dozens and dozens of little 2nd and 3rd world dictators from Eastern Europe, to Central Asia, to Africa, and Southeast Asia.... countries with leaders who say they are the only ones smart enough and worthy enough to run their countries... and after them, it should be their sons or very close assistants who are equally gifted and indispensable to the country and the poor, helpless people...
The Obamas, by the way, WILL MAKE SIMILAR money once they leave the White House.
These leaders have absolutely no shame.
They will even tell us they share no secret with the rich people who pay them hundreds of thousands, to millions, per speech... and that those rich people just want to help them out!
But think of PROPORTIONALITY, folks!
America has an economy of close to $20 TRILLION a year, and top Congressional ex politicians and ex presidents only --- yeah, "only" --- make a couple TENS OF MILLIONS ($20M to $200M or so, after they leave office).... yet, very poor countries like Laos, Cambodia, Palestine, Zimbawbe, Kazakhstan, Belarus, North Korea, etc., the rulers, their top generals, and business associates EARN AS MUCH as, and sometimes more than, the corrupt leaders here in the West... and live even MORE LUXURIOUS lifestyles than MOST corrupt Westerner leaders...
Given half a Chance most ifNOT ALLgwill show Greed.Human ==>>animal can not be trusted.