man... gotta love this black kid who gave a piece of his mind to the fucking FAUX News rivera.
i am telling you. if anybody talks to one of these fucking FAUX NEWS storm troopers, you'd better be prepared and be as sharp as this black kid.
I don't have a TV and don't watch TV, but since I glance at "news headlines" all the time, in Yahoo! and in Google, every day I come across news headlines by "Fox News" that sound to me like these folks don't really inhabit the same planet I am on.
They have news headlines like,
"Obama finally admitted to being a Kenyan Muslim;"
"Obama admitted to hating our great friend Netanyahu simply because the latter wants to defend God's Israel;"
"Obama's brothers, in Kenya, said Obama is a Muslim for real;"
"Obama is destroying America;"
"Obama is starting to take away your gun rights AS WELL AS GUNS, literally;"
"Sarah Palin delivered a stunning rebuke to Obama and his Homosexual and Liberal and Communist constituents;"
"Michelle Bachman has confirmed that in Congress, most Democrats were really Communists;"
"Jesus grave has been found;"
"Jesus has been confirmed to have walked on water without breaking hydrogen bonds, as the HOLY BIBLE says, and that socalled scientists and atheists and all other believers of other fake stories are working for the Devil, Satan, and Lucifer;"
And so on, and so forth... NOT exactly in those words but in the GENERAL TERRITORIES of those alternate reality parameters...
THAT is what happens to individuals and groups that get down on their knees, or asses, multiple times on a daily basis, on a daily basis.... to say utter gibberish to this or that holy power, entity, or creator of the universe...
They pretend to see things, know things, and being given holy and divine ideas that just don't have ANY BASIS IN REALITY, in this world... and they are proud they have KNOWLEDGE OF OTHER WORLDS... worlds they are 100% sure they are traveling to, after they are taken from here, by this MAN FROM BEYOND THE OORT CLOUD....
It baffles me that the homo sapiens race --- THE NAKED APE, as a species --- IS STILL LIVING through the DARK AGES... with billions of members think they are talking to some guy from beyond the skies who sits in their corners giving them advice, guidance, lucky in the lottery, luck in avoiding deaths in traffic accidents, in plane accidents, in tsunamis and earth quakes that kill thousands to hundreds of thousands around them....
It boggles the mind that MOST members of the NAKE APE still think EXACTLY like Stone, Iron, and Bronze age people and tribes thought, even though today most of them use iPhone, Google maps, super computational machines, fighter jets, atomic clocks, etc. that deal with extremely complex algorithms & programming...